martes, 26 de noviembre de 2019


1. Who invented the G.N.? What was the title of the first G.N.? When was it first published?
  Horace Walpole is the inventor of Gothic Novels, also considered as the father of the Gothic Novels. The first Gothc Novel was named The Castle of Otranto, subtitled (in its second edition) "A Gothic Story. He published this novel for the first time in 1764.

Resultado de imagen de the castle of otranto

2. Which basic elements of horror do you remember from the introductory lesson? Write a minimum of ten.

   We had comented some of the basic elements of the short horror videos of the pumpkin, and we had this conclusion that this are the basic elements: 
  1. Jumpscares
  2. Close ups
  3. Screams
  4. Scary characters (ghosts, phenoms, skulls...)
  5. Points of view
  6. Suspence
  7. Spooky music
  8. Scary places (haunted places, atmospheras...)
  9. ‘Malevolent’ or ‘Wicked’ characters
  10. Mistery
3. Choose one of the topics on DISCOVERING LITERATURE and write a post:

Dracula: vampires, perversity and Victorian anxieties

The article was written by Greg Buzwel and talks about topics like: Anxiety and the vampire in late-Victorian Britain, Sex and the Vampire, Dracula and Modernity.

The first that we find in the article is a description of a vampire and the same with dracula, and it says that vampires are complicated creatures: caught between life and death, at once alluring and horrifying, and that they represent fears of immigration, sexual promiscuity and moral degeneration.

It says that there are so many ways to represent a vampire because they have always been a contradictory figure: on the one hand a repellent blood-sucking creature crawling from the grave, and, on the other, a strangely alluring representation of nocturnal glamour.

Next to this there ase some paragrafs of the argument of the grand novel, connected to descriving some of the vampirres characteristics, like Physical characteristics: Pale skin, Sensitivity to sunlight physically (i.e., sunburn easily) and/or visually, Visual sensitivity to any light source, Better night vision than day vision, Eye color changing with mood or for no apparent reason, Extreme movility...

The post talks aout the connection between vampires and sexuality: using some novels to explain it (Sheridan Le Fanu’s short story ‘Carmilla’ (1872), Vampires who can have sex eliminate the fear of impotency and reestablish order in the disruption of the normative sexual act. They can both penetrate and deliver fluid, as well as receive the fluid of the victim/lover (I liked so much this characteristic) eliminating the fear of emasculation and remasculating the vampire.
Also compares some novels that have sexuality in it (with the novel Carmilla, written by Sheridan Le Fanu’s)  to see the evolution and how the vampire sexuality changed throught the years.

And last topic on the post is how the moddernity changed the traditional Vampires transformuing them, and the evolution of the vampires novels during this and pasts centuries.
Resultado de imagen de ‘Carmilla’ (1872)
I recommend the post, it is very interesant for being honest.


Who is Edgar Allan Poe? When and where was he born? 
Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer, poet, critic and editor best known for evocative short stories and poems that captured the imagination and interest of readers around the world. His imaginative storytelling and tales of mystery and horror gave birth to the modern detective story. He was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts.

What was he famous for?
Edgar was a writer and critic famous for his dark, mysterious poems and stories.

Did he get married?
Yes, Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe (August 15, 1822 – January 30, 1847) was the wife of the writer Edgar Allan Poe. The couple were first cousins and publicly married when Virginia Clemm was 13 and Poe was 27.

How did he die?
Poe died on October 7, 1849. His final days remain somewhat of a mystery. Poe left Richmond on September 27, 1849, and was supposedly on his way to Philadelphia. On October 3, he was found in Baltimore in great distress. Poe was taken to Washington College Hospital, where he died four days later. His last words were "Lord, help my poor soul."

At the time, it was said that Poe died of "congestion of the brain." But his actual cause of death has been the subject of endless speculation. Some experts believe that alcoholism led to his demise while others offer up alternative theories. Rabies, epilepsy and carbon monoxide poisoning are just some of the conditions thought to have led to the great writer's death.

Name some of his most famous works: 
‘The Raven,’ ‘The Black Cat’ and ‘The Tell-Tale Heart.’


What's his nickname?
Alfred Hitchock's nickname is“The Master of Suspense”.

What was his most famous horror film?
It was Psycho, or also called Psycosis (1960).

What was his main contribution to horror?
Perhaps Hitchcock’s most important contribution to horror films was his frequent use of the subjective camera to reveal a character’s vision, as in Psycho when Norman Bates peeps through a hole at Marion, or when “Mother” slashes Marion in the shower. Like the point of view of the killer.


What is the comic relief and why is it used in horror films?
Comic relief is a literary device used in plays and novels to introduce light entertainment between tragic scenes.
It is often used in the shape of a humorous incident, a funny incident, a tricky remark or a laughing commentary. 

We can see a copilation of comic reliefs on this video, about sleepy hollow, one horror movie we've seen on class:

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2019


First of all I prefer to win the lottery that gives me more money THE BEST ONE, so let's suppose that I won the ONZE CUPONAZO, which the 1st prize is one 90.000.000 €, that is a lot of money! So much that I don't need to work anymore in my life, me and my whole family, so much that I can burn money if I want.

But If I win it, which is almost impractical and unmanageable, first of all I would like to buy a new house, or better, a mansion with an enormous garden where I can live relaxed with my family and more happy than ever. Then I would change my studies, I would go into a good high school, a private one, with other rich people. I'd buy a new luxury car for my parents, a Rolls Royce or some of the style, so expensive. Maybe I'd offer money to my idols, singers to come see me, to my house, singers like guitarricadelafuente, Pol Granch, Rels b, Trippie Red, and much more, for sure they come for the money, so I think this could work.

And the last thing I'd do, and the smartest move I think I can do is save the money, so if it happens some global disaster I can have the enough money to remake my life and my family's lives. And if I still have money donated it, all of it, to some ONG to save the planet because the global disaster.
Resultado de imagen para once cuponazo

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019


Last night my friends and I went to the graveyard, it was my firts time in one so I was astonished, the graveyard was tremendous! But the most frightening thing of the graveyard, of course, is the threatening feeling that forced on us, it was a sensation of having a weird pression of having to be attentive all the time for whatever you least expect to be attacked, maybe some diabolical ghost, some haunted goblinor hust some terrific criature in the graveyard. But when my friends and I saw that everyone of us were quaking in their boots, we decide to leave the graveyard.

Resultado de imagen de scary graveyard